The First Vet Emergency Auggie started acting strange and we panicked! It continued to downpour that dreary afternoon as I brushed Auggie in his stall. The sound of the rain on the metal roof of the old barn drowned out the usual noises of the horses in their stalls and created a muffled ambience as light began to fade. It was now October and fall was well under way, with cooler temperatures and shorter days. The weather of the last few days seemed to reflect the mood that I was in over losing yet another one of my childhood friends. I spent quite a bit of time grooming and toweling Auggie in the damp, heavy air of the old barn where he was housed. Water began to trickle down the center of the aisle from the back side of the building as Diane and Sharon rushed to each stall with hay for the evening. The horses always became agitated when dinner was being served and Auggie had picked up on this phenomenon in the weeks since he had been with us. ...